
Extends the package to provide an application programming interface for querying the core elements of the data model.


Class Summary
Account Value Object class that holds the attribute information of an account in the data model.
AccountEntity Class that represents an account in the data model.
AccountFactory Factory class for creating accounts in the data store.
AccountOwner The AccountOwner class implements the owner relationship to an AccountEntity.
AccountParent The AccountParent class implements the parent relationship to an AccountEntity.
AccountSearch Class that provides an interface for searching for accounts.
AccountService The AccountService class implements the service relationship to an AccountEntity.
AccountTable Class that provides an interface for searching and performing operations on accounts within the context of a defining service.
AdminDomain Value Object class that holds the attribute information of an administrative domain in the data model.
AdminDomainAdministrator The AdminDomainAdiministrator class implements the administrator relationship to an AdminDomainEntity.
AdminDomainEntity Class that represents a admin domain in the logical organization chart within the data model.
AdminDomainFactory Factory class for creating admin domains in the data store.
AdminDomainSearch Class that provides an interface for searching for admin domains.
AgentOperation Represents
AgentOperationImpl Represents
BusinessPartnerEntity Represents a business partner in the data model.
BusinessPartnerOrg Value Object class that holds the attribute information of a business partner organization in the data model.
BusinessPartnerOrgEntity Class that represents a business partner organization in the logical organization chart within the data model.
BusinessPartnerOrgFactory Factory class for creating business partner organizations in the data store.
BusinessPartnerOrgSearch Class that provides an interface for searching for business partner organizations.
BusinessPartnerSponsor The Supervisor class implements the sponsor relationship to a business partner organization or person.
BusinessUnit Value Object class that holds the attribute information of a business unit in the data model.
BusinessUnitEntity Class that represents a business unit in the logical organization chart within the data model.
BusinessUnitFactory Factory class for creating business units in the data store.
BusinessUnitSearch Class that provides an interface for searching for business units.
ComplianceIssue Represents a compliance issue, or policy violiation.
ContainedEntityParent The ContainedEntityParent class implements the parent relationship to an entity that is contained within an OrganizationalContainer.
DirectoryObjectOrganization The DirectoryObjectOrganization class implements the administrator relationship to a DirectoryObjectEntity.
DirectorySystem Value Object class that holds the the system (tenant) wide configuration settings.
DirectorySystemEntity Class that represents the root node for the system (tenant) in the data model and holds the system (tenant) wide configuration settings.
DirectorySystemSearch Class that provides an interface for searching for directory systems.
DynamicRole Value Object class that holds the attribute information of a dynamic role in the data model.
DynamicRoleEntity Class that represents a dynamic role in the data model.
DynamicRoleFactory Factory class for creating dynamic roles in the data store.
DynamicRoleSearch Class that provides an interface for searching for dynamic roles.
HostedService Value Object class that holds the attribute information of a hosted service in the data model.
HostedServiceEntity Class that represents a hosted service in the data model.
HostedServiceFactory Factory class for creating hosted service(s) in the data store.
IdentityExclusionList Class that holds the list of identities (user id's) that should be excluded from any matching algorithms used when trying to identify account owners during a reconciliation process.
Location Value Object class that holds the attribute information of a location in the data model.
NotificationTemplate Represents a template for a notification message.
Organization Value Object class that holds the attribute information of an organization in the data model.
OrganizationalContainer Value Object class that holds the attribute information of an organizational container in the data model.
OrganizationalContainerEntity Class that represents a container in the logical organization chart within the data model.
OrganizationalContainerSearch Class that provides an interface for searching for organizational containers.
OrganizationalUnit Value Object class that holds the attribute information of an organizational unit in the data model.
OrganizationEntity Class that represents an organization in the logical organization chart within the data model.
OrganizationFactory Factory class for creating organizations in the data store.
OrganizationParent The OrganizationParent class implements the parent relationship to an OrganizationEntity.
OrganizationSearch Class that provides an interface for searching for organizations.
Person Value Object class that holds the attribute information of a person (identity) in the data model.
PersonAccount The PersonAccount class implements the account relationship to a PersonEntity.
PersonEntity Represents a person (identity) in the data model.
PersonFactory Factory class for creating people in the data store.
PersonRole The PersonRole class implements the role relationship to a PersonEntity.
PersonSearch Provides an interface for searching for people.
PersonSelf The PersonSelf class implements the self relationship to a PersonEntity.
POConfiguration Represents a configuration for Post Office Notification.
Role Value Object class that holds the attribute information of a role in the data model.
RoleEntity Represents a Role in the data model.
RoleFactory Factory for creating roles in the data store.
RoleSearch Provides an interface for searching for roles.
ScalableAccountTable Class that provides an interface for searching and performing operations on accounts within the context of a defining service.
Service Value Object class that holds the attribute information of a service in the data model.
ServiceEntity Class that represents a service within the data model.
ServiceFactory Factory class for creating service(s) in the data store.
ServiceModel Class provides functionality to access service supporting data in enrole data store.
ServiceOwner The ServiceOwner class implements the owner relationship to a ServiceEntity.
ServiceSearch Class that provides an interface for searching for services.
Supervisor The Supervisor class implements the supervisor relationship to a business unit or person.
SupportingDataObject Class encapsulates attributes for a service supporting data entity.
WorkflowConfiguration Represents a workflow configuration for reminder and activity notification .

Package Description

Extends the package to provide an application programming interface for querying the core elements of the data model.

For a high-level overview, see the Data Services API Overview

IBM Tivoli Identity Manager 4.6
© Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 2005. All rights reserved. US Government Users Restricted Rights Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.