Class ContainedEntityParent

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class ContainedEntityParent
extends java.lang.Object
implements Relationship

The ContainedEntityParent class implements the parent relationship to an entity that is contained within an OrganizationalContainer. The subject of this relationship is a DirectoryObjectEntity and the participant is 0 or 1 OrganizationalContainers that act as the entity's parent.

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 boolean doesParticipate(DirectoryObjectEntity participant)
          Determines if the given entity is the parent of the subject entity.
 java.util.Collection evaluate()
          Evaluates the relationship returning 0 or one OrganizationalContainerEntity objects that represent the parent of the subject entity.
 java.util.Collection evaluateReferences()
          Evaluates the relationship returning 0 to many entity DNs that participate opposite the subject entity.
 void setSubject(DirectoryObjectEntity entity)
          Sets the subject entity for the relationship.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public ContainedEntityParent()
Method Detail


public void setSubject(DirectoryObjectEntity entity)
Sets the subject entity for the relationship.

Specified by:
setSubject in interface Relationship
entity - DirectoryObjectEntity acting as the subject of this relationship.


public java.util.Collection evaluateReferences()
                                        throws ModelIntegrityException,
Evaluates the relationship returning 0 to many entity DNs that participate opposite the subject entity.

Specified by:
evaluateReferences in interface Relationship
Collection of DistinguishedName instances that participate.
ModelIntegrityException - Thrown if a problem exists with the consistency of the data model preventing the relationship from being evaluated properly.
ModelCommunicationException - Thrown if unable to communicate with the data store.


public java.util.Collection evaluate()
                              throws ModelIntegrityException,
Evaluates the relationship returning 0 or one OrganizationalContainerEntity objects that represent the parent of the subject entity.

Specified by:
evaluate in interface Relationship
Collection of 0 or one OrganizationalContainerEntity objects.
ModelIntegrityException - Thrown if a problem exists with the consistency of the data model preventing the relationship from being evaluated properly.
ModelCommunicationException - Thrown if unable to communicate with the data store.


public boolean doesParticipate(DirectoryObjectEntity participant)
                        throws ModelIntegrityException,
Determines if the given entity is the parent of the subject entity.

Specified by:
doesParticipate in interface Relationship
participant - Proposed parent (DirectoryObjectEntity). Note: the participant must be an OrganizationalContainerEntity to be considered.
True if participant is the parent, false if not.
ModelIntegrityException - Thrown if a problem exists with the consistency of the data model preventing the relationship from being evaluated properly.
ModelCommunicationException - Thrown if unable to communicate with the data store.

IBM Tivoli Identity Manager 4.6
© Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 2005. All rights reserved. US Government Users Restricted Rights Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.