Class ProvisioningPolicyAnalysis


public class ProvisioningPolicyAnalysis
extends java.lang.Object

This class provides methods that can be used in the analysis of policy enforcement being performed in the system. For example, it provides methods that allow someone to:

Method Summary
static PPAEntitlement getEntitlement(PersonEntity person, ServiceEntity service)
          Returns the entitlement for the specified person and service instance.
static java.util.Collection getEntitlements(PersonEntity person)
          Returns the entitlements for the specified person.
static java.util.Collection getProvisioningParameters(PersonEntity person, ServiceEntity service, java.util.Collection parameters)
          Returns the provisioning parameters that apply to the specified person and service instance.
static java.util.Collection getProvisioningPolicies(RoleEntity role, boolean wildcard)
          Returns the provisioning policies that apply to the specified role.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Method Detail


public static PPAEntitlement getEntitlement(PersonEntity person,
                                            ServiceEntity service)
                                     throws PPAException
Returns the entitlement for the specified person and service instance.

All script based values contained in the entitlement's provisioning parameters will be resolved. If more that one provisioning policy applies to the specified person and service instance, a single entitlement is returned representing the joined provisioning policies.

person - The person for whom the entitlement should be returned.
service - The service instance for which the entitlement should be returned.
The entitlement for the specified person and service instance.
PPAException - Thrown if an error occurs.
See Also:


public static java.util.Collection getEntitlements(PersonEntity person)
                                            throws PPAException
Returns the entitlements for the specified person.

All script based values contained in the entitlements' provisioning parameters will be resolved. If more that one provisioning policy applies to the specified person for a given service instance, the provisioning policies for that service instance are joined to produce a single entitlement for that service instance.

person - The person for whom the entitlements should be returned.
The collection of PPAEntitlement objects for the specified person.
PPAException - Thrown if an error occurs.
See Also:


public static java.util.Collection getProvisioningParameters(PersonEntity person,
                                                             ServiceEntity service,
                                                             java.util.Collection parameters)
                                                      throws PPAException
Returns the provisioning parameters that apply to the specified person and service instance. Optionally, the provisioning parameters returned can be scaled down by specifying the collection of parameter names for which provisioning parameters should be returned.

All script based values contained in the provisioning parameters will be resolved. If more that one provisioning policy applies to the specified person and service instance, a set of provisioning parameters is returned representing the joined provisioning policies.

person - The person for whom the provisioning parameters should be returned.
service - The service instance for which the provisioning parameters should be returned.
parameters - The collection of parameter names for which provisioning parameters should be returned. If null, all provisioning parameters for the specified person and service instance will be returned.
The collection of PPAProvisioningParameter objects for the specified person and service instance.
PPAException - Thrown if an error occurs.
See Also:


public static java.util.Collection getProvisioningPolicies(RoleEntity role,
                                                           boolean wildcard)
                                                    throws PPAException
Returns the provisioning policies that apply to the specified role.

role - The role for which the provisioning policies should be returned.
wildcard - Indicates whether or not wildcard provisioning policies should be included in the provisioning policies that are returned.
The collection of PPAProvisioningPolicy objects for the specified role.
PPAException - Thrown if an error occurs.
See Also:

IBM Tivoli Identity Manager 4.6
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