Class PPAEntitlement


public class PPAEntitlement
extends java.lang.Object

This class contains information that can be used in the analysis of an entitlement for a provisioning parameter. Included in the entitlement are:

Field Summary
static int ALL
          Target type value that indicates that the target type is all services for all profiles.
          Target type value that indicates that the target type is a host selection policy.
          Target type value that indicates that the target type is a service instance.
static int SERVICE_TYPE
          Target type value that indicates that the target type is a service type.
Method Summary
 java.util.Collection getProvisioningParameters()
          Returns the provisioning parameters for the entitlement.
 java.lang.String getTargetName()
          Returns the name of the target.
 int getTargetType()
          Returns the type of the target.
 boolean isWorkflowRequired()
          Returns an indication as to whether or not workflow is required.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final int ALL
Target type value that indicates that the target type is all services for all profiles.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int HOST_SELECTION_POLICY
Target type value that indicates that the target type is a host selection policy.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int SERVICE_INSTANCE
Target type value that indicates that the target type is a service instance.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int SERVICE_TYPE
Target type value that indicates that the target type is a service type.

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Method Detail


public java.util.Collection getProvisioningParameters()
Returns the provisioning parameters for the entitlement.

The collection of PPAProvisioningParameter objects for the entitlement.
See Also:


public java.lang.String getTargetName()
Returns the name of the target.

The name of the target.


public int getTargetType()
Returns the type of the target.

The type of the target. Possible return values include:
  • PPAEntitlement.SERVICE_TYPE if the type of the target is a service type.
  • PPAEntitlement.SERVICE_INSTANCE if the type of the target is a service instance.
  • PPAEntitlement.ALL if the type of the target is all services for all profiles.
  • PPAEntitlement.HOST_SELECTION_POLICY if the type of the target is a host selection policy.


public boolean isWorkflowRequired()
Returns an indication as to whether or not workflow is required.

An indication as to whether or not workflow is required:
  • true if workflow is required.
  • false if workflow is not required.

IBM Tivoli Identity Manager 4.6
© Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 2005. All rights reserved. US Government Users Restricted Rights Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.