create(DistinguishedName tenantDN,
Person owner,
Service service,
SystemUser sysUser)
Creates a system user in the data store with the given value object
to define the SystemUser's attributes.
Creates a system user in the data store with the given value object
to define the SystemUser's attributes.
tenantDN - Distinguished name of the system root (tenant) under
which the system user is to be created.
owner - PersonEntity representing the owner of the system user (account).
service - ServiceEntity representing the service instance the user is
accessing. This is most relevant if the platform is deployed
in an ASP deployment where the platform may be hosted and
made available to other organizations.
ModelCreationException - Thrown if unable to create the
entity in the data store. Most likely due to some sort of
schema violation caused by improper attributes set in the
value object.