
Provides standard password Rule implementations from the password rules framework.


Class Summary
CaseRestricted This class implements a built-in rule for restricting the case of a password.
LengthConstraint This class implements built-in rule for restricting the length of a password.
MaxLengthConstraint This class implements built-in rule for restricting the maximum length of a password.
MaxSequentialCharacters This class implements built-in rule for restricting the number of sequential characters allowed in a password.
MayNotContain This class implements built-in rule for restricting passwords to not contain characters from the given set.
MinAlphabeticCharacters This class implements built-in rule for restricting the minimum number of alphanumeric characters.
MinDigitCharacters This class implements built-in rule for restricting the minimum number of numeric characters.
MinDistinctCharacters This class implements built-in rule for restricting the minimum number of unique characters.
MinLengthConstraint This class implements built-in rule for restricting the minimum number of characters in a password.
MustContain This class implements built-in rule for inclusion of required characters in a password
NotInDictionary This class implements the built-in rule for not allowing passwords to be matched against a password dictionary entries present in the LDAP directory.
NotRepeated This class implements built-in rule for restricting passwords to be different than previously used passwords present in a history list.
NotReversed This class implements built-in rule for restricting passwords to be different then previously used passwords present in a reversed history list.
NotUserID This class implements built-in rule for restricting passwords to not contain any words present in the user id.
NotUserIDCaseInsensitive This class implements built-in rule for restricting passwords to not contain any words present in the user id.
NotUserName This class implements built-in rule for restricting passwords to not contain any words present in the user name.
NotUserNameCaseInsensitive This class implements built-in rule for restricting passwords to not contain any words present in the user name.
PasswordHistoryItem Objects of this class are used to hold information about an item on a password history list.
PasswordRulesInfo This class represents a value object containing information about password rules.
RestrictedTo This class implements built-in rule for restricting passwords to only contain a given set of characters.
RuleSet The RuleSet class represents a set of password rules.
StandardGenerator Default generator used to generate passwords using a random number algorithm.
StartsWithChar This class implements built-in rule for restricting passwords to start with a given sequence of characters.
ValidityTimeConstraint The system doesn't enforce this rule at this moment.

Exception Summary
PasswordRulesRuntimeException This class represents a runtime exception, which may occur in the password rules framework.

Package Description

Provides standard password Rule implementations from the password rules framework.

For a high-level overview, see the Password Rule API

IBM Tivoli Identity Manager 4.6
© Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 2005. All rights reserved. US Government Users Restricted Rights Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.