
Interface Summary
Notifier Interface to notify the provisioning platform when a response to an asynchronous request is made.
PlatformContext Interface to retrieve provisioning platform context information, such as a directory naming context for retrieving directory entries.
SchemaLookup SchemaLookup defines the interface used in event notification and reconciliation to retrieve schema information for objectclasses and attributes.
SearchResults Encapsulates search results from a remote resource.
ServiceProvider Interface for a provider to communicate with a remote resource.
ServiceProviderFactory This interface should be implemented and used to instantiated and initialize a ServiceProvider implementation.
UnsolicitedEventProcessor Interface for a class to process unsolicited events, including add events, modify events, suspend, restore, and delete events.

Class Summary
AsynchronousResponse Class that represents the response to an asynchronous request made by a ServiceProvider.
InitialPlatformContext Class used as a starting point to gain the platform's context.
RequestStatus Class encapsulates a response from a remote resource, including the status and any message.
SearchCriteria Encapsulates search criteria used in performing a recon.
SearchResult Encapsulates an entry returned from a search on a remote resource.
ServiceCallbackHandler Used in event notification and asynchronous request processing.
ServiceProviderInformation Encapsulates service provider configuration parameters, including properties read from resource definition files.
ServiceProviderLocator Locates the correct ServiceProviderFactory and uses it to creates a ServiceProvider.

Exception Summary
ProviderConfigurationException Indicates that there was a problem with the service provider configuration.

IBM Tivoli Identity Manager 4.6
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