
Interface Summary
JoinInterface Interface for joining values of provisioning parameters defined in two or more provisioning policies.

Class Summary
Bitwise Will join attribute values containing Strings representing integers in bitstring format to be joined using a bitwise operation (| or &).
Boolean will join attribute values containing Strings representing a booleanvalue to be joined using a boolean operator
Enforcement Objects of this class are used during the parameter value joins to resolve conflicts between different enforcement types for the same provisioning parameter value defined in more than one policy entitlement.
ExpressionType This class helps in joining expression types specified on provisioning parameter values: Conflicts are resolved using the following precedence sequence with the decreasing order of importance: (regular expression) constants);
JoinDirector An implementation of PolicyJoinRuntimeContext.
Multivalued will join all attribute values from all multivalued attributes found in all relative entitlements.
Numeric will join attribute values containing Strings representing a number to be joined using an operator allowed on numbers.
PrecedenceSequence This class is to be used on snglevalued attributes which contain a fixed list of allowable values.
Priority This class contains logic to join all applicable attributes' values based on priority number of the policy which contais them.
Textual will join attribute values containing Strings representing a purely textual information to be joined using an operation alloed on text.

IBM Tivoli Identity Manager 4.6
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